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Since ancient times, the naked body has excited sexual fantasies, captivated attention, and mesmerized people’s aesthetic feelings. Artists presented physical beauty in its original state on canvases and sculptures, and writers – in literary works. Check how to use AI when you want to nude celebrities in the article below!

The understanding of the artificial intelligence concept 

The concept of “artificial intelligence” may seem somewhat scary and incomprehensible. In fact, artificial intelligence has been around for decades, and it’s being used more often than you might imagine. Artificial intelligence helps in every area of our lives: when we read our emails, get directions on where to go, or try to start a new business. Artificial intelligence is already widely used in medicine, construction, the judiciary, and even art.

Body scanner for undressing people

Nudify is available as a program for Windows and Linux (at the time of writing, the site is down due to overload). The free version does not allow you to download the work result and also partially covers it with a watermark. These restrictions are bypassed by purchasing a paid profile. Besides, the creators improved the stability of the program, fixed crashes, and removed the feature that added watermarks to images after “exposing”.

The AI nudufier does not create the potential for sexual exploitation and harassment, as the AI paints women naked without their consent. As with other photo editing apps, users can download anyone’s photos and edit them however they want. Often, the application creates images of women naked and in poses with sexual connotations. Note that neural networks can quickly learn and perform a wide range of tasks, including not only information analysis but also the production of own content.

Robyn Atkins