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As a certain time of the year approaches, not only would the traffic and travel increase but also the number of construction works would take a toll. This would mean that safety would increasingly become a concern for both the workers and the commuters. Various reports state that major road accidents occur due to uninformed construction works.

Thus, through this article, we are helping you with a list of various safety precautions, which both authorities and commuters should maintain to ensure road safety.

Devise an authorized plan

Before a road construction project is started, the concerned authorities should devise an effective road safety and traffic management plan. This plan should contain points that look after the safety of the workers, and the fluidity of the traffic, including detouring routes, information about closed roads and others, safety zones, etc.

Traffic management protocols

The construction zone should be well-equipped with signals that denote the work and signals that show detouring routes beforehand. All signs indicating the start and end of the work zone, buffer areas, alternate two-wheeler and four-wheeler routes and other essential information shall be provided for better traffic management. 

Separate the work area

The work area is usually very congested since different operations are undertaken in the same area at the same time. To avoid accidents, the various work zones should be differentiated with appropriate signage. For example, material storage areas, parking areas and heavy machinery usage areas should be marked separately for the workers’ benefit.

Wearing proper safety gear is a must

Inside the work zone, accidents can occur anytime. Hence, everyone working there should wear appropriate safety gear like gloves, hard boots, helmets, highly and distantly visible clothing, protective gear for eyes and ears and others. All such protective gear must comply with the safety norms set by the concerned authorities in the particular area.

Avoid blind and dangerous spots

All kinds of heavy machinery and vehicles are constantly on the move in the work zone. Hence, all workers, as well as the project manager, should look after the visual aid devices. A rule of thumb in work scenarios like this is the driver of the heavy vehicle cannot see you if you cannot see them. Thus, try to be in their line of sight for your safety and to avoid accidents.

In this regard, consult Capital Traffic Management services today to learn about various construction and work site safety guidelines.

Chance Champagne

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