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Dental restoration methods are effective in improving your looks, and two popular methods are veneers and crowns. Some people are confused about the difference between these veneers and crowns and how they will serve different needs for them. So, in this article, we will study about what is a veneer and a crown and what are their differences. 

This procedure is costly, and therefore, you must know what the difference is. Veneers cover the teeth from the front side, and crowns cover the entire tooth. These cosmetic dental services are available at various dentists, and therefore, you can visit these places for more information.

What are Veneers? 

A veneer is a material that covers the front surface of your tooth. It is considered less invasive than crowns and, therefore, mostly recommended by doctors. It leaves your original tooth intact and does not harm them while preparing for the treatment. 

A strong enamel is important for veneer treatment as it will allow for grinding the enamel and inserting the veneer in it. 

What are Crowns? 

The Crown covers the entire tooth, and it needs to be filed down to a larger number of teeth for crown placement. It is mostly effective in tooth decay as it will remove the decayed part of the tooth. If the tooth is completely damaged, this treatment is still useful, but you should consult a doctor for better advice. 

What is the Difference Between Veneers and Crowns? 

A veneer is a thin layer of porcelain which is bonded with the teeth to provide a natural look to them. On the other hand, a crown is a thick layer which covers the entire tooth and is made up of entire porcelain or fused with some alloy. 

Whether a veneer or a crown is suitable for you is dependent on various factors like discolored teeth, crooked teeth, chipped, cracked or broken teeth, and decayed teeth. 

How Do You Know Which One is Right For You? 

If there are a large number of issues in your teeth, you should consult your doctor for better suggestions. However, there are some generalized treatment procedures for certain problems. For instance, if there is a large filling, worn or cracked teeth, root canal and other problems, then a crown will be suitable to cover the entire teeth. 

On the other hand, if your teeth are basically intact and you need restoration, then a veneer is considered the best option for treatment. If you have minor issues in shapes, then it can be solved with veneers. 

So, there are certain differences between veneers and crowns. But it would help if you went for any treatment only with consultation of your doctors. 

Rodney Kelly