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Renovating your house can be a bit challenging sometimes as each of its parts requires a unique set of materials to create your favorite look. The most considered area is your windows. While so many window dressings are available on the market, the debate is mainly between blackout curtains and blackout blinds. For this, you first have to know a little bit about them. So, read on.

Blackout Curtains and Blackout Blinds

Made with soft flowing fabrics, blackout curtains  are composed of a blackout liner to block out the light completely. They are versatile; provide you with better thermal insulation, more privacy, and better noise reduction. Blackout curtains are usually seen in movie theaters and luxury hotel rooms.

Blackout blinds, on the contrary, are made of opaque fabric within a cassette. They are better in a hot and humid climate, take up little space, easy to install, are cheaper, and are easy to clean and maintain.

What Factors To Consider When Choosing Blackout Window Covering?

  • Space

Blackout curtains require much space. In addition to the fabric, a holder bracket or curtain box is also required that is larger than the window. Blackout blinds, on the other hand, can be easily installed in minimal space because the fabric rolls into the cassette.

  • The Design Specifications

Homeowners mostly prefer installing blackout blinds in their homes rather than curtains. However, blackout curtains are more versatile in terms of color, fabric, texture, and pattern. As a result, curtains can have a greater impact on making your space aesthetically beautiful.

  • Privacy

Before buying blackout window covering for your space, first, consider where you want to install them. As we have discussed above, blackout blinds cannot offer 100% opacity. Blackout curtains, on the other hand, are best at providing extreme privacy levels. You can install blackout blinds in the kitchen as it requires some natural light.

  • Room Furnishings

Another factor to consider before opting for a room-darkening solution is the quantity of furniture in the room. As you all are familiar with the fact that excessive sunlight exposure can damage your furnishings. For example, houseplants require sunlight exposure so blackout blinds are ideal for these places. Furthermore, recliners and sofa can get damaged with sunlight exposure so you can install blackout curtains in these areas.

  • Ease of installation

Blackout blinds can be more easily installed than blackout curtains. Only a mounting bracket is to be installed with which the cassette is attached. Blackout curtains, on the contrary, require lots of measuring and drilling. So, if you don’t have enough time for installation, you can consider installing blackout blinds.

Blackout Blinds Or Blackout Curtains?

Both room-darkening solutions—blackout curtains and blackout blinds offer unique benefits in terms of aesthetics and practicality. However, it can be challenging to choose any one of the two. You can do so by focusing on the above factors so that it would be much easier for you to make the right decision.


Perry Lam