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Nitrous oxide is commonly used in oral and dental surgeries in New York. Patients who undergo gum surgeries, tooth extraction, or root canal treatment are often administered nitrous oxide to ease the pain. It slows down the nervous system and manages your anxiety levels. 

If you or your child has had an accident where they need to undergo surgery, but you are scared of dental procedures, a Middle Village, Queens emergency dentist can help ease your anxiety with nitrous oxide. 

Usually, it does not have any side effects. However, if taken in excess amounts, it could lead to complications. If you are about to undergo dental surgery and are worried about the safety of using nitrous oxide, this blog will help you clear all your doubts. 

What is nitrous oxide, and what does it do?

Laughing gas, also known as nitrous oxide, is an odorless, colorless gas that has been used in the medical field for more than a hundred years. It is used as a pain reliever that reduces pain and manages anxiety levels. The gas is administered through a mask to patients during dental procedures or treatments.

The patient is asked to breathe normally, and its effects can be observed within a few minutes. An important thing to note is that this gas does not necessarily induce laughter; instead, it reduces inhibition by slowing down the nervous system. 

In addition to its use in dentistry, nitrous oxide has applications in other healthcare settings, including delivery rooms and physical therapy.

Is nitrous oxide safe for children?

Dental sedation using nitrous oxide is safe even for children and is considered a gentle option by many dentists. It effectively helps children calm down and relax during dental procedures. 

Parents can rest assured that their child will not experience pain or discomfort due to the effectiveness of the sedation. Nitrous oxide can greatly enhance the comfort of your child’s dental procedure.

It is important to recognize that every child is unique. Before beginning any treatment, your dentist will need to understand your child’s dental health history. 

While nitrous oxide is safe to use, an experienced dentist in Queens will carefully consider various factors when determining the most suitable treatment plan.

Are there any side effects of using nitrous oxide?

Nitrous Oxide

Most patients typically do not experience any adverse reactions to laughing gas. However, rapid changes in the amount of inhaled gas or high levels of nitrous oxide can lead to serious side effects such as headaches, excessive sweating, shivering, nausea or vomiting, and drowsiness. 

After inhaling laughing gas, patients are instructed to breathe pure oxygen for five minutes to prevent headaches. Since the effects of the gas wear off quickly, there are no long-term side effects. If your child experiences any unusual symptoms, it is important to contact your dentist immediately.

Dentists advise patients to eat light meals before dental procedures to prevent nausea and vomiting. However, laughing gas should not be used by women in their first trimester of pregnancy or individuals with a vitamin B-12 deficiency.

What is the use of nitrous oxide outside the field of dentistry?

Nitrous oxide is one of the commonly known drugs. There are many benefits to using this gas, and it has been used for many years. It is mainly used in the fields of healthcare and dentistry. However, it is also used for other purposes as well. It is used for the following:

  • Labor and delivery (birth).
  • Pain relief during dental procedures.
  • Treatment for nausea and vomiting.
  • Treatment for anxiety, including panic attacks and preoperative anxiety.

Visit your dentist today!

Nitrous oxide is an easy and effective way to ease the pain and discomfort during your dental procedure. If you are afraid to bear the pain, talk to your dentist to see if this sedation is right for you. 

Robyn Atkins